Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

How much of the Toronto sports market does Rogers control?

With the announced $4.7 billion deal to buy BCE’s 37.5 per cent stake in Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment, Rogers continues to strengthen its hold on Toronto professional sports.
So just how much of the major men’s sports franchises in this city — and the television broadcasting rights to their games through Rogers-owned Sportsnet — fall under Rogers’ control? We crunch the numbers below.
Rogers bought 80 per cent of the team in 2000 from beer giant Interbrew and the remaining 20 per cent in 2004.
If the deal goes through, Rogers will control a majority stake in MLSE, the parent company of the Maple Leafs, Raptors, Toronto FC and Argonauts as well as the minor-league affiliates.
